Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sugar - Copper Blue

Here's a post I did for my other blog a few months ago, I figured that I might as well just re-purpose this post. This is easily one of my top five ever, so read on:

I was entering my first year of college when this album hit and I was drawn to it like a moth to the flame. There's not a song out of place on this album, not one that hasn't been my favorite at a given time in the last 15(!) years since its release. I really can't tell you too much more about this, except that it's one of those CD's that should be in every collection, and if it isn't in yours, go buy one now, I've personally burned through 2 copies a so far.

Sorry there's not much to this review, but writing about music really doesn't do it much justice. Here's the opening track, and if that doesn't get your head bobbing, well, you're just dead inside.

Sugar - The Act We Act


Bill said...

I actually utilize a bit of a "remixed" version of this album on my iPod. From the Besides album, I put "Needle Hits E" after "The Slim" and then "Clownmaster" after "If I Can't Change Your Mind."

The transition seems to work a little better as I always thought "IICCYM" was a bit out of place after the emotional wreckage that is "The Slim." Not to mention that I've always loved "Clownmaster" which, come to think of it, I believe I have an early live version with lyrics of at home from one of Sugar's first gigs that Bob abandoned shortly after.

Joel and Denise and Colin and Nicholas said...

Y'know, this one (and most of Sugar's output) hasn't aged so well for me. I still enjoy it but the overdriven trebly production lets the tunes down in places.

Exception: "The Act We Act" rules.

D Gaffney said...

I like this album, makes me happy.